We have all heard this a million times or more: change is the only constant in our lives. What must be added is that change is also a constant in our bodies and skin. We never wake up in the morning feeling precisely the same as we did the day before; every day, there is a significant or subtle change. Getting in touch with these changes and how our skin feels is simply a great thing because not being in touch and not connecting to our skin, the largest organ in our body creates a sense of disconnect, which can lead to discomfort. Natural skincare is the best choice when using natural beauty products. It allows you to be wholly in touch and connected with your skin in its most natural form.
Writing from personal experience, nothing is worse than feeling uncomfortable in your skin on all levels. Being in touch with my skin led me to explore natural skincare, ultimately discovering all the different benefits of natural skincare. One of the most significant parts of being in touch with my skin was noticing how it felt when the weather changed or when I travelled and woke up in a sunny, hot climate, having just left mid-winter cold and dry. The first indicator for me with weather changes is my lips; they instantly dry out; now, I need not worry about this as I reach out for my AYA Balm and hear: “Never fear when AYA Balm is near”. The point is that seasons change, affecting us and our skin, and we can choose to embrace nature's skin nourishers to ensure comfort and ease.
Your skin's natural balance, a holistic beauty approach:
The skin has a natural balance, and when it is in balance, we are comfortable and easy in our skin; discomfort sets in when it isn't. Our skin's natural balance is a beautiful harmony of different components, and that is why a holistic beauty approach incorporating nature's skin nourishers in your skincare choices is so nourishing. The first of these components is our skin’s natural oil production when the sebaceous glands produce oil (sebum to moisturise the skin, which in turn protects the skin). Next is our skin’s barrier function, moisture retention, helping to prevent excessive dryness. Then comes our skin pH level, which is slightly acidic, helping to keep a healthy balance of bacteria (have you heard about your skin’s microbiome, which natural beauty products work to maintain and enhance). The final component is the skin's immune function, which is vital to our overall immune system, protecting us from harmful or damaging elements. These changes disrupt our skin's harmonious balance and make it more susceptible to irritation, dryness, or other problems.
The natural changing of seasons affects the harmonious balance of our skin components, as it should. We, in turn, need to meet the season changes with different solutions to keep our skin well-supported, nourished, and balanced. This is where natural skincare comes to the forefront and shines, using revitalising natural ingredients with the intent of balancing skincare with nature.
One more point about our skin: we all know that just by touching and feeling it, our skin isn’t the same all over; engaging with holistic skincare is essential here. While the underlying basic structure of the skin is similar throughout the body, subtle variations are adapted to the specific needs of different areas, which are the differences we feel. For example, the skin under our armpits feels very different from the skin on our feet's soles. These differences are about the skin adapting to its own needs, being thicker or thinner depending on what it is required to protect and what part of the body it covers that is exposed. It's essential to connect with the fact that the skin on our faces and hands are the least-covered body parts and so most susceptible to seasonal change.
The skin on our faces is the most exposed to different temperatures, cold to hot weather, sunshine, rainfall patterns, humidity, wind, and the reality of air conditioning and central heating associated with weather changes. Our skin is susceptible to climate change and must respond to these changes. More than ever, it needs the support of nature's skin nourishers. Numerous studies have shown that the skin barrier is affected by weather changes. Knowing how our skin reacts or feels in any given season allows us to work towards balancing skincare with nature by embracing natural beauty products and the benefits of natural skincare.
What happens to our skin in SPRING:
The first of September, in the southern hemisphere, marks the first day of Spring. It's been long awaited, with a few sneaky days where we were sure spring had arrived, only to be rudely awakened to the reality of winter again. With any seasonal change, there are challenges, but the arrival of spring (or autumn), the unpredictable transitional seasons, brings many more challenges to our skin bears the front of. It's during these intermediate seasons when the weather is playing to its rhythm, that our skin has to work harder to adapt. Natural skincare is always a first choice, but with it comes the option of a mindful skincare practice to bring out radiant skin naturally.

With spring, as nature takes its turn to spring to life, so too does our skin. After the cold temperatures, the shorter daylight hours and less vitamin D from the sunshine, our skin starts to wake up with the change. Moving away from the dreaded dryness of winter, with its lack of moisture, leaving us with red and sensitive skin to grapple with increased oil production as temperatures rise and humidity increase, the best resource is natural beauty products to combat these challenges.
Another element of spring, which those of us who know unfortunately know, is allergies. With spring comes the release of pollen and other allergens, which can trigger allergic reactions like eczema or dermatitis. I have learned over the years that choosing to use natural beauty enhancers as part of my holistic beauty approach is my first and best choice.
The most crucial weather change elements we need to be conscious of in Spring are the increased sun exposure, rising temperatures and humidity levels and the general climatic differences we experience daily. The skin, when allowed, will balance itself out with the changes in nature especially when choosing to follow a mindful skincare practice while choosing natural beauty products which embrace nature's skin nourishers. If the skin had a choice, it would go for consistency; it just makes it all so much more straightforward, but like other parts of our beautiful natural world, it's not in our or our skin's control. So, keeping natural skincare simple and consistent is key to the fluctuating elements it experiences. Following a simple holistic beauty approach will allow your skin to maximise the benefits of natural skincare and bring about radiant skin naturally.
Our skin can feel dry or tight during Spring; it has to work harder to maintain moisture and adjust to the changes. This may disrupt your skin's barrier function, meaning your skin hydration levels may drop. With the warmer weather and higher humidity levels, the skin can feel greasy as oils get trapped on the surface. This can lead to more breakouts and clogged pores, and if you struggle with breakouts, they could be more inflamed during this transitional season. The overall simplicity of a natural skincare range, with the incorporation of revitalising natural ingredients within a mindful skincare practice, helps to keep the skin in a harmonious state. The many benefits of natural skincare include comfort and ease for the skin. Ultimately, we all want to experience Radiant Skin Naturally. The best way to do this is by embracing the benefits of natural skincare into your holistic beauty approach.
The best way to keep your skin at ease and comfortable during Spring is to choose nurturing natural skincare :
The overall simplicity of a natural skincare range, with the incorporation of revitalising natural ingredients within a mindful skincare practice, helps to keep the skin in a harmonious state. Natural skincare has so many benefits, including comfort and ease for the skin. Ultimately, we all want to experience Radiant Skin Naturally. The best way to do this is by embracing the benefits of natural skincare into your holistic beauty approach.

Basing your skincare choices on nurturing natural skincare, embracing ingredients viewed as natural beauty enhancers, and making holistic skincare choices allows your skin to embrace and thrive in times of seasonal change. Our go-to for a harmonious transition to Spring is AYA Naturally Nourishing Oil, AYA Cream, and AYA Balm. They are the perfect combination to hydrate, soothe, and protect your skin from the changing seasons. AYA Naturally Nourishing Oil profoundly moisturises and locks in moisture for plump, supple skin. AYA Cream protects against environmental stressors, helping keep the skin balanced. And always AYA Balm, our hard-working, multi-tasking balm that does it all, targeting dry areas and providing intense hydration and nourishment for a healthy, balanced complexion.